soul searching

I know it's been a quick minute since I’ve updated this blog. The last few months, I’ve been thinking about writing quite often, but each time I sit down to write, I find myself in an introspective battle--- Do I have something worthwhile to contribute to this community or is it self-indulgent fluff? How do I balance authenticity and privacy? Am I just another superficial voice contributing to the cacophony of the internet or can I actually going to help someone in some way? Is this a distraction from being present to my family or a worthwhile avocation? How seriously should I take my responsibility as a citizen of the internet i.e. what kinds of things should I be talking about in this space? What will it all come to years from now when I’m gone? What’s the point of EVERYTHING!?! Maybe I’m overly complicating things. Putting words down in black and white is easy. But presenting authenticity requires a little more digging than sharing pictures from our latest adventures. Perha...