dragons and dishsoap

Supposedly, when medieval cartographers came across uncharted territory instead of doing the sensible thing and labeling it "unknown", they would panic and write something like, "here are  dragons."


Maybe they thought it was a funny joke. "Haha. Wouldn't it be hilarious if this is where dragons came from? Haha." Or maybe they were trying to cover up their ignorance by scaring people away. "Muahaha. Let's tell them dragons live there. They'll never investigate, so no one will be the wiser."

At any rate, the spirit of the phrase has developed into a pretty cool ethos that has become a huge part of our family culture. Life is full of unknowns. Life is basically a big fat question mark. Marriage, parenting, career, health, finances are all uncharted territory for a young family. However, whether we are sorting out housework or climbing waterfalls with toddlers, we try to embrace challenge and adventure with open hearts.

Back in the day...I moved 772 miles to a tiny unaccredited university without having previously visited. We both put in 15-18 credits a quarter, taking classes year-round to graduate in three years instead of four. I got married two days after my 21st birthday to an equally young sweetheart. I got pregnant at the beginning of my senior year and finished my degree while my husband started grad school 2,674 miles away. Husbando worked full time while going to grad school and then we had a baby with no support system to speak of. We moved back to southern California. And then proceeded to move three more times. Somewhere in there, too, we had another baby (delivered accidentally at home).

We are no strangers to packing in the little unknowns and heaping some more on top. But that's all part of living an abundant life. Which brings us to now.

At the beginning of 2017, we are moved our young family to Germany.

We expect to face A LOT of unknowns. As a young wife and mom, I expect a special basket of dragons that revolve around dish soap, diapers and not getting completely befuddled at the grocery store. Despite the challenges to come, we are incredibly excited and grateful for this opportunity.  With God's good graces we will achieve full "How to Train Your Dragon" status.


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